Welcome to the Official Rules page for Fluxoria, here you will find our General Network Rules and Discord Rules. Failing to follow these rules will result in one of the listed punishments. Please note that Staff can punish for offences not listed here, and these rules apply to all members on the Network regardless of their role. If you have found a rule breaker please report them in our Discord by clicking the Discord Icon at the top of this website. We try our best to keep Fluxoria safe and comfortable for all players.
Please Note: You are held responsible for what happens on your account.
Main Server Rules
Spamming [3+ Same Messages + Clogging Up Chat] Warning, 30 Minute Mute.
Excessive/Obvious Troll Spam Permanent Mute.
Keyspam [10+ Characters] Warning, 30 Minute Mute.
Command Spam [Clogging Up Chat] Warning, 30 Minute Mute.
Bullying, Player Disrespect & NSFW 6 Hour Mute, 12 Hour Mute, 3 Day Mute.